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Admin Commands

Admin Commands


  • h!warn - Usage: h!warn <@user> <reason>

  • h!tempmute - Usage: h!tempmute <@user> <time> <reason> - For time, use a number followed by suffix s, m, h, or d, meaning second, minute, hour, and day. Tempmutes are limited to 30 days. If a Muted role does not exist in the server, Event Horizon will create one.

  • h!mute - Usage: h!mute <@user> <reason> - If a Muted role does not exist in the server, Event Horizon will create one.

  • h!tempban - Usage: h!tempban <@user> <time> <reason> - For time, use a number followed by suffix s, m, h, or d, meaning second, minute, hour, and day. Tempbans are limited to 30 days.

  • h!ban - Usage: h!ban <@user> <reason> - To temp-ban someone, see h!tempban. h!unban - Usage: h!unban <@user>

  • h!kick - Usage: h!kick <@user> <reason>

  • h!unmute - Usage: h!unmute <@user> h!warnings - Usage: h!warnings <@user>

  • h!purge - Usage: h!purge <number> - Event Horizon will not purge more than 1,000 messages per command. 

  • h!lock - Usage: h!lock <role name> - Locks down channel. If no role name is provided, the @everyone role will be used.

  • h!unlock - Usage: h!unlock <role name> - Unlocks channel. If no role name is provided, the @everyone role will be used.

  • h!modlogs - Usage: h!modlogs <@user> - Shows all modlogs from a specified user.

  • h!modroles - Usage: h!modroles <role name to add/remove> - Edit roles that are allowed to use moderation commands. Typing h!modroles will return the list of modroles.

  • h!case - Usage: h!case <number> - Gives information about a specified case.

  • h!modchannel - Usage: h!modchannel <#channel> - Sets channel where all moderation actions will be logged. To set to None, use h!clearmodchannel.

  • h!joinage - Shows the minimum account age to join the server the command was executed in.

  • h!setjoinage - Usage: h!setjoinage <number of days>  - Sets the minimum account age to enter the server. Useful for defending against alt accounts. To turn minimum join age off, set the join age to 0. To view your server's join age, use h!joinage.

  • h!vcrole - Usage: h!vcrole <role name to add or remove> - Gives the specified role to anyone who joins the voice channel moderator is in. Also takes the role when user leaves. To remove an already existing VC role, just run the command as is. To get a list of VC roles, use h!vcroles.

Moderation: Text
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